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Toenail Fungus is not Tik Tok Treatable

Winter is upon us, and while the snowflakes dance outside, it's time to turn our attention to a not-so-festive topic – toenail fungus. As the chilly winds whip around, it might seem counterintuitive to think about sandal-ready toes, but starting toenail fungus treatment in the winter is a strategic move. Fungal nails are an infection not to mention physically unappealing. No matter what treatment you choose it will take at least 6 months to resolve !

I've recently been spending more time in outdoors here in Chicago and spending more time looking at tik tok than usual . I've see some wild and dangerous treatments for fungal, thick , or just unappealing nails !

People usually play around with OTC products or tea tree oil as a first line of treatment but online I've seen home conoctions with bleach, borax, baking soda, listerine ....sometimes all together!! This is so dangerous! Those with health condtions can severly injure their feet and even need amputations from these . Stay away !!


That being said. Come see me or Dr. Ryan for a checkup to even make sure its fungus at all. 

First, We usually do a quick lab exam to make sure you and we know what we are exactly treating. 

Options includes: 

Topicals: easy to use but need to use and remember to use daily, 18 percent only efficacy rate 

Pills: usually a couple month course , results seen in a year. Can affect the liver, so its not for everyone and has 40 percent efficacy rate . Requires blood work. 

LASER treatment: my perosnal favorite because I'm one of those people that like the best results with little up keep at home . 95 percent efficacy rate . 

Removal : can help but depends on the situation . 40 percent efficacy rate. 

Winter Footcare Wisdom: In the winter wonderland of footcare, addressing toenail fungus is a proactive step towards healthier, happier feet. Start your treatment journey now, and by the time the flowers bloom and sandals emerge, you'll be ready to showcase your rejuvenated toenails. Winter may be chilly, but your feet can be warm, healthy, and fungus-free. Embrace the frosty footcare wisdom, and let the healing begin!




Bela Pandit, DPM FACFAS

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